About the Aitkin Sno-Drifters

The Aitkin Sno-Drifters is a non-profit, volunteer run snowmobile club established in 1974. It is located in western Aitkin County, approximately 20 miles north of Lake Mille LacsThe club maintains one PistenBully & two Bombardier groomers and roughly 85 miles of trails, in and around the city of Aitkin MN. The club holds it's monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month, located at The Moose Lodge 22 4th St NE, Aitkin, MN

Trail Maps

Aitkin County Map

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Memorial Ride and Raffle Drawing, See more info on event tab.


In Memory of Brian Glasbrenner any donations made to the club will be matched up to $2,000. If you have someone you would like to remember through a donation you can call or txt Tami Glassbrenner at 612-578-7760. We will also list your memorials here

Chris Dotzler in memory of Mike & Jeanette Zilverberg. $50

50th Anniversary T-Shirts 

Available for sale!!! 

$15.00 each, unisex sizes M, L, XL & 2X, call or text Janet Donner 218-232-2668

Trail Conditions -

Trail update: 2/9/25

After the two storms that came through this week we have between 6" to 10" on the ground. The groomer is out without the drag to pack, clear driveway approaches and filling in ditches. We will need more snow to start dragging.

Keep thinking snow. 



Details for the Memorial Ride have been added. See event tab.

Donations to the club for the memorial Ride will be matched up to $2,000. See events tab.


Ladies Ride has been postponed to the alternative dates of February 28 and March 1. See Events page for details.

Photos added of youth training located on the photos tab.

At the December meeting elections were held for club officers. We would like to welcome a new president and vice president to their positions and thank the returning officers

Nate Klingelhofer - President 

Tami Glasbrenner - Vice President

The follow officers will continue their positions for another year.

Karin Martinjako - Treasurer

Pamela Brule - Secretary

Jason Donner - Non-elected position: Member-at-large

 We would also like to thank our former officers for their time and dedication to the club over the years. Susan Buhlmann (president) and Jeremy Goble (VP). Your efforts to the club are greatly appreciated. 


Photos added of the vintage display on the photos page.

Next event is the youth training on Jan 01/04/25.  Details have been added to the event page.

We have raffle tickets!!!. If you like to purchase, contact the club email or Facebook messenger. Also contact the club if you would like to help sell.


Updates to the clubs events have been added to the event page. Planning is in the works and more details will be added when available.

Every First and Third Wednesday. 5pm

Horse Racing and Meat Raffle at The Locker Room! 

12 3rd St NE, Aitkin, MN 56431 


Business Members

The club would like to thank the following businesses for being club members

Anderson Carpet Service

16783 Yale St NW, Elk River, MN 55330

(763) 441-5042

Farm Island Repair and Marine

28965 US-169, Aitkin, MN 56431 



The Forty Club

960 2nd St NW, Aitkin, 56431



The Landing

145 Southgate Drive; Aitkin, MN 56431


Midwest Machinery

1120 2nd St. NW; Aitkin, MN 56431



Northern Automation

27253 Burgstaler Rd Aitkin, MN 56431 



Paulbeck's County Market

171 Red Oak Drive; Aitkin, MN 56431 



Business Donations

The club would like to thank the following businesses that has provided services as a donation

Aitkin Tire Shop

429 7th Ave NE, Aitkin, MN 56431


ASAP Towing

1180 Air Park Dr, Aitkin, MN 56431 



TeeMark MFG

 1132 Air Park Drive, Aitkin, MN 56431



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